Climate Neutrality
The transformation of the energy system entails far-reaching changes, including the increased use of renewable energies, the electrification of transportation and industry, and enhanced energy efficiency. Companies face the challenge of implementing this transformation, understanding the impact of current climate protection regulations, and adapting to changing framework conditions. Achieving greenhouse gas neutrality requires various methods, such as analyzing greenhouse gas emissions and applying life cycle assessments.
We develop innovative and sustainable solutions for you, providing support through the FfE approach as well as customized services:
- Transparent Calculation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint: Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions
- Life Cycle Assessment: Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of Products or Processes
- Tailor-made methods and databases for quantifying sustainability indicators for sustainable finance and reporting
With FfE’s approach of combining the latest research findings with services, we can provide you with the best possible support on the path to transforming your company. Research creates knowledge, and knowledge informs practice.