04.2023 - 04.2027

H2-Reallabor Burghausen / ChemDelta Bavaria

In the H2-Reallabor Burghausen – ChemDelta Bavaria research project, solutions are being developed as to how the chemical industry can transform towards a sustainable economy. The use of hydrogen is expected to play a crucial part in this. 35 renowned partners from science and industry have joined forces for this common goal in a 4-year project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as a flagship project with €39 million [1].

project partners living lab burghausen chemistry
Figure 1: Project Partners in the H2-Reallabor Burghausen / ChemDelta Bavaria [1]


The Free State of Bavaria has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2040, five years earlier than the Federal Republic of Germany [2]. The Free State of Bavaria includes ChemDelta Bavaria, which, as Bavaria’s largest chemical site, still obtains a large proportion of its raw material and energy requirements from fossil sources that cause greenhouse gas emissions. So there is still a lot to do to achieve the public goal of climate neutrality.

The transformation of the ChemDelta into a sustainable industrial park requires great effort from all parties involved. The transformation will only succeed if overarching synergies are identified and the requirements are determined in their entirety. In addition to a consolidated transformation strategy regarding the future energy supply, the sites in the ChemDelta Bavaria also require specific concepts for the transformation of the various production paths. A concept for securing energy requirements must therefore be drawn up and a transformation roadmap created in order to be able to approach politicians, grid operators and site managers.


Project Objectives

A comprehensive concept has been developed in order to proactively tackle the transformation together. A detailed system analysis of the region is planned. To this end, several possible development paths will ultimately be modelled and a comprehensive roadmap for the transformation of the region will be developed, taking into account potential and market studies as well as life cycle assessments. Further, In concrete use cases, new technologies are to be built and further developed.

Project Structure

In order to adapt the individual existing value chains to the new  conditions, six technologically focused work packages (WP 2 to 7) will address explicit problems in the chemical industry. In particular, this involves switching to electricity/hydrogen-based processes, implementing and analyzing the feasibility of a circular economy and securing the supply of basic chemicals to the site (Figure 2). The overarching working package 1 provides the framework for the technologically focused work packages 2 to 7 by taking a systemic and comprehensive view of the ChemDelta Bavaria, identifying material and energy dependencies as well as synergy potentials and developing scenarios for the future development of the chemical site. The results will lead to an overarching roadmap for the sustainable transformation of the chemical industry in ChemDelta Bavaria.

project structure living lab burghausen chemistry
Figure 2: Project structure of the H2-Reallabor Burghausen / ChemDelta Bavaria

The FfE’s project contents

FfE is participating in H2-Reallabor Burghausen in the overarching working package 1 and is focusing in particular on the creation of a model for global hydrogen trading. The worldwide regional hydrogen demand and production potentials are analyzed and transferred into a global supply and demand model. From this, the import prices to Europe can be quantified, taking into account non-European trade as well as various transport technologies, options and routes. FfE is also developing the basis for a consolidated roadmap for the hydrogen-based transformation of the chemical industry.

Project Partners

The project partners come from academia (Technical University of Munich, Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences, East Bavarian Technical University of Regensburg, Bauhaus Luftfahrt and Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V.) and industry (companies in the region, such as Wacker Chemie AG, OMV Deutschland GmbH, InfraServ GmbH&Co Gendorf KG and Westlake Vinnolit, as well as specialised companies from all over Germany, such as PlasmaAir AG and ESy-Labs GmbH). The project partners are summarised in Figure 1.


The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry for education and Research (BMBF) (Funding Code: 03SF0705D).

More Information



[1] H2-Reallabor – Reallabor Burghausen. In: https://www.reallabor-burghausen.de/h2-reallabor/. (Abruf am 16.02.2024), Burghausen: Reallabor Burghausen – ChemDelta Bavaria gGmbH, 2024.

[2] Bayerisches Klimaschutzgesetz (BayKlimaG) vom 23. November 2020 (GVBl. S. 598, 656, BayRS 2129-5-1-U), das zuletzt durch § 1 des Gesetzes vom 23. Dezember 2022 (GVBl. S. 704) geändert worden ist. München: Landtag des Freistaates Bayern, 2022.