With the energy transition, electricity grids are facing their biggest challenge yet. The increasing energy demand resulting from sector coupling and the integration of renewable energies is fundamentally changing how grid operators fulfill their supply tasks.
By integrating electromobility and heat pumps into the lower voltage levels, new loads are being added to the grid, whose power consumption significantly exceeds that of traditional household consumers. Simultaneously, the expansion of PV systems is incorporating high-performance systems into the grid on the generation side. The speed required for the success of the energy transition surpasses the rate at which the grids can be expanded.
Moreover, numerous constraints must be addressed, such as ensuring system stability and minimizing inconvenience for end customers. Electricity grid operators must utilize innovative tools like advanced control technology and load management systems to solve this optimization task. A future-proof metering and control infrastructure will include smart meters and secure communication networks. The digitalization of electricity grids, along with innovative tools and technologies, is paving the way for the transformation of the energy system. Additionally, the heating infrastructure will undergo significant changes.
Research questions on the topic of Grids
How much physical grid infrastructure does the secure supply of energy require?Read More
What tools are available to grid operators?Read More
What does a viable future measurement and control infrastructure for the power grid look like?Read More
What does a future-proof gas infrastructure look like, and which gases will flow through the pipelines in the future?Read More
What role will district heating networks play in the future?Read More