What does a future-proof gas infrastructure look like, and which gases will flow through the pipelines in the future?
The growing use of synthetic gases such as hydrogen plays an essential role in almost all implementation plans for the energy transition. Which gases are needed in which composition for which application is currently the subject of much research and testing activity. In addition, it will be crucial that transport is cost-effective and low-loss – for this, we need a suitable transport infrastructure!
Specifically, we are looking at the following questions:
- What will flow through the pipelines in the future?
- Natural gas or hydrogen: Will there be hydrogen admixtures, or will we build separate hydrogen networks?
- How do we deal with decreasing natural gas demand?
- Will there be CO2 networks in the future?
- Where will gas come from in the future, and where will it be transported?
- How will the gas composition change in the future, and what does that mean for applications?