As a scientific research institute, we at the FfE attach great importance to consistently making our research results available to the public, thus bringing more transparency and clarity to discussions surrounding the energy industry. Therefore, you will find here a comprehensive body of knowledge on our current and completed research projects, including reports from long-term studies, shorter articles in trade media, dissertations written at our institute, and more.
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Results 1 - 50 of 242
- 06.02.2025 | Artikel | Nele Maas, M. Sc.
Grid expansion planning: A reflection of the heterogeneous landscape of distribution grid operators
- 31.01.2025 | Artikel | Nadja Helmer, M. Sc.
What impact would an electricity price zone split have on Germany?
- 30.01.2025 | Artikel | Nora Amer, M. Sc.
European day-ahead electricity prices in 2024
- 28.01.2025 | Artikel | Erwan Taillanter, PhD
Dynamic charging tariffs – impact of the energy transition on charging hubs and logistics depots
- 21.01.2025 | Artikel | Vincenz Regener, M. Sc.
Use Instead of Curtail – An initial assessment of the trial phase of 13k EnWG
- 16.01.2025 | Artikel | Anne-Marie Isbert, M. Sc.
Life cycle assessments of the hydrogen infrastructure – an overview
- 13.01.2025 | Artikel | Erwan Taillanter, PhD
Series of Articles: Energy Sharing – Possible impacts on the Energy System
- 10.01.2025 | Artikel | Nora Amer, M. Sc.
German electricity prices on EPEX Spot 2024
- 07.01.2025 | Artikel | Stephan Mohr, M. Sc.
CO₂ market study – analysis of sales markets and sources for captured CO₂
- 19.12.2024 | Artikel | Erwan Taillanter, PhD
Energy Sharing – Local dynamic tariffs
- 18.12.2024 | Article | Erwan Taillanter, PhD
Series of Articles: Energy Sharing – Regulatory developments and prospects for diverse business models in Germany
- 12.12.2024 | Artikel | Adrian Ostermann, M. Sc.
Series of Articles: Dynamic Electricity Tariffs – Dynamic electricity tariffs für households
- 11.12.2024 | Studies | Vincenz Regener, M. Sc.
Development of a product design within the framework of Redispatch 3.0, considering industry requirements
- 09.12.2024 | Artikel | Jeremias Hawran, M. Sc.
Series of Articles: Interoperability – Evaluating interoperability in practice
- 05.12.2024 | Artikel | Regina Reck, M. Sc.
Data for CSRD reporting
- 05.12.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Vollmuth
Series of articles: Dynamic electricity tariffs – tariff types, advantages and disadvantages, technical requirements
- 25.11.2024 | Artikel | Jeremias Hawran, M. Sc.
Series of Articles: Interoperability – Measuring Interoperability
- 25.11.2024 | Lennart Herrmann, M. Sc.
Economic dimensioning of a large-scale battery storage system – FfE project with Qair Deutschland GmbH
- 13.11.2024 | Artikel | Jeremias Hawran, M. Sc.
Series of Articles: Interoperability – What is it, what challenges, and what benefits can be expected?
- 13.11.2024 | Artikel | Philipp Stedem, M. Sc.
BDL Next presents research results at the “E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium”
- 12.11.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Anna Gruber
Series of articles: Results and challenges in the creation of transformation plans
- 06.11.2024 | Article | Regina Reck, M. Sc.
Article Series Dynamic inductive charging in traffic: Technology Acceptance of Dynamic Inductive Charging Infrastructure in Public Transport
- 06.11.2024 | Artikel | Andreas Weiß, M. Sc.
Series of articles: The Path to Climate-Neutral Heavy-Duty Transport: Down with the Cost – Bidirectional Charging in a Truck Depot
- 29.10.2024 | Daniela Wohlschlager, M. Sc.
Green light for bidirectional charging? Unveiling grid repercussions and life cycle impacts
- 28.10.2024 | Kirstin Ganz, M. Sc.
Several Contributions at the E-Mobility Symposium in Helsinki
- 28.10.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Anna Gruber
Series of articles: Creation of practical transformation plans by FfE
- 21.10.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Timo Kern
Negative electricity prices – How many renewable energy systems will run through?
- 21.10.2024 | Artikel | Louisa Wasmeier, M. Sc.
Are extreme prices on the German electricity market on the rise?
- 18.10.2024 | Artikel | Andreas Weiß, M. Sc.
Variable grid fees as an option for controllable consumption devices in line with § 14a
- 18.10.2024 | Artikel | Kirstin Ganz, M. Sc.
Contribution to the International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) on “Assessing the Impact of Smart Charging Electric Vehicles in the Future German Energy System”
- 16.10.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Anna Gruber
Series of Articles: General information on transformation plans and their preparation
- 02.10.2024 | Artikel | Daniel Battersby, M. Sc.
Series of articles: The Path to Climate-Neutral Heavy-Duty Transport – The symbiosis of MCS charging and photovoltaics – What is possible?
- 12.09.2024 | Tapio Schmidt-Achert, M. Sc.
Location factors for the siting of electrolyzers
- 10.09.2024 | Artikel | Jakob Zahler, M. Sc.
Towards a common digital infrastructure for the electricity and heat sectors – Use Cases from the Project WARAN
- 09.09.2024 | Artikel | Valerie Ziemsky, M. Sc.
Bidirectional Charging in an Industrial Park – Ten Use Cases from the Bid-E-V Project
- 22.08.2024 | Artikel | Niklas Jooß, M. Sc.
Dynamic electricity pricing vs. bidirectional charging – the key factors driving low-voltage grid expansion
- 21.08.2024 | Artikel | Daniel Battersby, M. Sc.
Series of articles: The Path to Climate-Neutral Heavy-Duty Transport – Fast-charging infrastructure in Germany
- 12.08.2024 | Vincenz Regener, M. Sc.
Grid Tariffs and Bidirectional Charging – Pros and Cons of further exemptions for (mobile) storages
- 01.08.2024 | Artikel | Veronika Engwerth, M. Sc.
Series of articles: The Path to Climate-Neutral Heavy-Duty Transport – Ramp-up pathways to climate neutral heavy-duty transport
- 31.07.2024 | Artikel | Jakob Zahler, M. Sc.
Use cases of smart and bidirectional charging: analysis and assessment of feasibility in European countries
- 30.07.2024 | Artikel | Daniela Wohlschlager, M. Sc.
How Bidirectional Charging Strategies contribute to Achieving a Climate-Neutral Energy System
- 18.07.2024 | Artikel | Philipp Stedem, M. Sc.
unIT-e² Discussion Paper: Consistent parameter ranges for modelling intelligent electric vehicles in the energy system
- 01.07.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Vollmuth
What are the benefits of smart and bidirectional charging for users today and in the future?
- 19.06.2024 | Artikel | Dr.-Ing. Patrick Vollmuth
Forecast Tool for the Development Framework of Electricity Prices for Households and Heat Pumps in Germany
- 12.06.2024 | Artikel | Stephan Mohr, M. Sc.
Minimal quota for green hydrogen in industry: The consequences of the RED III
- 27.05.2024 | Artikel | Erwan Taillanter, PhD
Development of Grid Load at the Municipal Level – Estimating the Need for Grid Expansion and Grid-Oriented Flexibility
- 23.05.2024 | Vincenz Regener, M. Sc.
Bidirectional charging – a functional component of the energy transition
- 08.05.2024 | Artikel | Andreas Möbius, M. Sc.
Heating cost comparison
- 24.04.2024 | Artikel | Andreas Möbius, M. Sc.
Optimised intraday marketing of decentralised heat and cooling generators
- 16.04.2024 | Artikel | Adrian Ostermann, M. Sc.
Electromobility in Companies: Opportunities and Challenges
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