What impact will the transformation of transportation have on infrastructure?
In addition to replacing the existing conventional vehicles, the adaptation of the infrastructure is also elementary to the success of the transport turnaround. To this end, the power grids must be upgraded and new infrastructures built, such as hydrogen infrastructure.
In the case of electromobility, the load on the power grids varies depending on the charging strategy. Our work focuses on the detailed analysis of distribution grids since this is where the electric vehicles and charging stations are connected. With our GridSim model, different grid areas (e.g. urban, rural) can be linked with scenarios and charging strategies. Thus the expected grid load can be determined, and recommendations for action for intelligent integration can be derived. In the model, there are various options for characterizing the electric vehicles and the charging points (e.g. private, commercial, or public charging). These are linked to the distribution grid.
In particular, we consider the following questions:
- Can the grids withstand electromobility?
- How can electromobility be integrated into the grid in a meaningful way?