eXtremOS – Digital Closing Event a Complete Success with up to 250 Participants!

On March 26, 2021, the key results of three years of research on possible developments of the European energy system and the findings of the eXtremOS research project to be derived from them were presented at a digital closing event.
After a short welcome and introduction by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Mauch (Scientific Advisor of the FfE) and Dr.-Ing. Serafin von Roon (Managing Director of the FfE), Dr.-Ing. Roudoula Tryfonidou explained the promotion and importance of energy system analysis from the perspective of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. “Energy research,” said Dr. Tryfonidou, “is a strategic instrument of energy policy, and system analysis provides an important contribution to risk prevention for society as a whole.” (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
The presentation of the core results of the study by experts from FfE was followed by the panel discussion with Ministerialrätin Dr.-Ing. Rodoula Tryfonidou (BMWi), Prof. Dr. Florian Bieberbach (Chairman of the Management Board of Stadtwerke München GmbH), Stefan Kapferer (Chairman of the Management Board of 50Hertz), and Dr.-Ing. Frank-Detlef Drake (Managing Director of E.ON Group Innovation GmbH), chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Wagner. The chat function for questions of the participants and a parallel Mentimeter survey was also used very intensively.
The presentation of the event is available on this page.
The results from the project can be found on our eXtremOS results website!
Statements from the panel discussion:
“Also, a municipal company sees electricity prices, CO2 prices and fuel prices formed internationally”
(Prof. Dr. Bieberbach) (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
“The European energy transition is a very inspiring project,
that can bring us all together.”
(Dr.-Ing. Frank-Detlef Drake) (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
“It’s always efficiency, renewables and electrification.”
(Dr.-Ing. Frank-Detlef Drake) (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
“Politics must clear obstacles out of the way -.
From push-puller to brake-puller.”
(Prof. Dr. Bieberbach) (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
“Regions with a high proportion of green power have a locational advantage.
In perspective, there is a great opportunity for Europe:
We can provide a sustainable environment for global companies.”
(Stefan Kapferer) (FfE-translation of the original German Quote)
Many thanks to the participants of the panel discussion!
Further reports and publications on eXtremOS will follow from May 2021!
The three-year project eXtremOS was conducted by FfE together with the research partners of ITAS at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The methods and results were continuously discussed with nine corporate partners and mirrored with their experiences and assessments to ensure practical relevance. At this point, we would like to thank you very much for your support. None of this would have been possible without you.