Use Cases, Players & Target Groups: Into the Future of Controlled Charging with SAP, EWS, and Nextmove
In the project Trade-EVs II (Trade of Renewable, Aggregated and Distributed Energy by Electric Vehicles), use cases for controlled charging of electric vehicle fleets were developed. In the course of the project, the use cases will be examined via simulations and subsequently implemented by the project partners. FfE developed use cases in bilateral workshops with the respective project partners. Each use case was documented in a standardized profile and visualized by an e3-Value Model.
Specifically, the use cases “Spot market-optimized charging of private electric vehicles”, “Spot market-optimized charging of electric vehicles at commercial sites”, “Spot market-optimized charging of an electric rental vehicle fleet in public spaces” and “Peak shaving” are to be examined in more detail in the course of the project.
The described contents were developed in the project Trade-EVs II, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (funding code 01MV20006E). In addition to FfE e.V., the partners SAP SE, CYX mobile KG (Nextmove), and EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau eG were involved in the development of the use cases.