
How can the market ramp-up of hydrogen be accelerated? – Current findings from the living laboratories of the energy transition

Trans4ReaL classifies the findings on challenges and hurdles of the living labs of the energy transition. These are shared with science, politics, business and society in the form of action approaches. In this way, the project contributes to the scaling of the findings and supports the market ramp-up of hydrogen.

A climate-neutral Germany needs hydrogen as an energy carrier and a functioning hydrogen economy. The living labs of the energy transition funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action are testing the development of hydrogen technologies on an industrial scale. In this way, the living labs bring hydrogen into practice.

At the moment, the hydrogen branch is showing a high level of dynamism. Electrolysers with a capacity of 10 GW are to be installed in Germany by 2030. An infrastructure for hydrogen is to be created and hydrogen is to be used in industry and beyond. The following need for action can be derived from the experiences of the living labs for the start-up phase of the large-scale projects required for this:

  • Projects on the scale and with the self-image of living labs require planning and legal certainty. Implementation only takes place if a functioning business model is also in prospect.
  • In order to create business models in the market ramp-up phase, well thought-out incentive systems are needed. Their effectiveness must be checked regularly.
  • Approval procedures must be simplified and accelerated. This is the only way to ensure timely large-scale implementation and a positive contribution to the energy transition.

This and other needs for action are elaborated in the present report “Wie kann der Markthochlauf von Wasserstoff beschleunigt werden?” and approaches for addressing this need for action are derived.

Trans4ReaL Bericht Handlungsansätze
Reallabor-Kongress - Transferkongress Wasserstoff - 18. April 2023 - KulturBrauerei Berlin

Trans4ReaL also accompanies the living labs in the further course and publishes approaches for action. In this way, the challenges that arise in the following phases of the projects are also analysed and processed.