
FfE Discussion Paper: What is the Future of Blockchain Technology in the Energy Industry?

The development of blockchain technology brings many new concepts and technical possibilities in its wake. Trust in digital data and processes, resistance to manipulation, availability, security, transparency, disintermediation, interoperability, distributed consensus, and many more. Especially in the energy industry, many of these characteristics are gaining relevance due to increasingly decentralized generation and consumption, rising process complexity, and more involved participants.

As part of the Project InDEED (FKZ: 03E16026A), the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE), the Fraunhofer Blockchain Lab at the University of Bayreuth, and the Stiftung Umweltenergierecht established and scientifically examined a total of 27 theses relating to the technology.

The result is a discussion paper which examines and either confirms or refutes each of these theses, as well as discussing where the technology stands today and can be used in the future.

The discussion paper is available for download at the link below:

FfE Discussion Paper: What is the future of blockchain technology in the energy industry? (Only available in German)

Would you like to contribute to the discussion? Do you have an opinion on the theses?

Feel free to email us at Indeed_Diskussionspapier@fim-rc.de and share your views, provide valuable input, or give us feedback. Should you contact us, please always reference the particular thesis you are commenting on. We reserve the right to collect and publish your responses or feedback (anonymized and moderated) regarding the theses in an accompanying document.

We look forward to your input.

Your InDEED team