Electromobility in Germany 2020

According to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA – from the German Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt), more than 309,000 battery-electric vehicles were driving on German roads in 2020. Records of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA – Bundesnetzagentur) count just under 38,300 public charging stations across Germany in 2020.
The state with the most registered battery-electric vehicles in Germany changed in 2020: North Rhine-Westphalia topped the list of German states with just under 62,800 all-electric vehicles, up from second place the year before with approximately 25,600 vehicles. Bavaria now follows in second place with around 59,500 (from first place the year before with just under 30,600), closely followed by Baden-Württemberg in third place with 54,250 battery-electric vehicles (unchanged, in the year before just under 24,900).
In further analysis, Bavaria is ahead in installing public charging stations: Electric drivers can charge at more than 7,900 public charging stations from various providers in Bavaria. In North Rhine-Westphalia, around 6,800 charging stations are available. In third place in the charging station ranking is Baden-Württemberg, with just under 6,300 charging stations.
According to Directive 2014/94/EU on infrastructure development for alternative fuels, at least one public charging point is required for every ten electric vehicles 1. Nationwide, the ratio of public charging points to all-electric vehicles was in line with the EU Commission target in 2020.
However, if the ratio is calculated using all electric vehicles (also including plug-in hybrids, excluded in the calculation above), Germany misses the benchmark. In 2020, there were just under 590,000 electric vehicles, resulting in a ratio to public charging points of approximately 1:15
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