Climate neutral companies – developing an actionable GHG reduction strategy
Developing a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy that can be implemented as cost-effectively as possible is becoming increasingly relevant and urgent for all industrial branches. This topic is of such interest to the participants of the “E.ON Energy Efficiency Network: Franconia Networks II” that they chose to devote the entirety of a day-long network workshop exclusively to it. Based on the FfE’s conclusions from research and experience from practical projects, Britta Kleinertz presented the tried and tested procedure for developing an actionable GHG reduction strategy (see Figure 1), delving deep into the details of each step during intensive discussions with the network participants.
During the topic-related workshops and discussion sessions, it became apparent that most network participants are currently working on the cornerstone of a GHG reduction strategy, namely the calculation of their basic emissions balance. They see the preparation of the GHG reduction strategy as an essential building block for the coming years.