
Build-out of Public Charging Points in Germany

To ensure the success of e-mobility, a sufficient build-out of public charging points is essential. Since 2015, the number of charging points in Germany has increased almost twentyfold, albeit from a miniscule starting point. Of the 58,656 charging points available in Germany in May 2022, over 20% are in Bavaria (11,745), 18% in Baden-Württemberg (10,277) and a further 17% in North Rhine-Westphalia (10,158).

Figure 1: Build-out of public charging points in Germany since 2015

Our interactive graphic shows the expansion of charging points in Germany over the last eight years. The data comes from the Federal Network Agency. The bottom section of the chart shows the total number of charging points in Germany since 2015. After initially low growth rates, the expansion peaked in 2021 with 15,426 new charging points per year. However, if we take the data from January to May 2022 as a basis, the record value will probably not be reached this year. However, to achieve the German government’s target of 1 million charging points in 2030 1, an enormous increase in the pace of expansion to over 100,000 charging points per year would be necessary. This would be the only way to achieve a 1:15 ratio of charging points to e-vehicles, which the government considers vital to ensure widespread acceptance of e-mobility.

In addition to the overall figures for Germany, the chart also contains figures broken down by federal state. Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg not only lead the ranking in absolute terms but also provide the most charging points per inhabitant. In 2015, Hamburg, Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia were the frontrunners in this category. The fewest charging points per inhabitant are found in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, and Saarland.

Concerning the cities with the most charging points, the ranking at the top left initially comes as no surprise. Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich, the three most populous cities, also occupy places 1 – 3. However, places 4 – 8 go to cities commonly known as automotive cities and are clearly benefiting from the build-out offensives of the local car manufacturers. However, this development has only taken place in recent years. Until 2017, none of the five automotive cities was represented in the top 10.

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