Ergebnisse 1 - 11 von 11
01.10.2024 | Sophie Ströhler
Carbon Footprint Assessment of the Value Chain of Green Hydrogen
01.09.2024 | Zhibin Cheng
Global Hydrogen Demand: Analysis and Integration into the Market Model
01.08.2024 | Miriam Schatzl
Assessment of the environmental impact of dynamic inductive charging compared to conductive charging
01.05.2024 | Christian Leidert, M. Sc.
Nutzung bereits vorhandener Umweltdaten für die ESRS – Eine Analyse der Synergien zwischen Umweltregularien und den Anforderungen der ESRS
01.05.2024 | Jonas Fill
Predicting Building Types and Functions at Transnational Scale
01.04.2024 | Kristin Wagner
User Acceptance of Intelligent Charging of Battery Electric Vehicles
01.04.2024 | Louis Gugg
An Evaluation of the Interoperability of E-Mobility Systems Embedded in the unIT-e²-System-Architecture
01.01.2024 | Fabian Kaindl, M. Eng.
Multikriterielle Analyse ausgewählter Flexibilisierungsmaßnahmen im Kontext der Fernwärmetransformation
01.12.2023 | Tal Barak
Global land eligibility for green hydrogen production: a cost-potential curve analysis
01.10.2023 | Sarah Schmidt, M. Sc.
Future-oriented Life Cycle Assessment of the Energy System Considering the Deployment of Bidirectional Charging Strategies.
01.05.2023 | Thomas Luginger
Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Hydrogen Applications using hourly consumption-based LCA Emission Factors
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