
Potentials of Variable Renewable Energy Sources and „Low-Hanging Fruits“ Electrification in Europe

Poster-Presentation at the 11th International Energy Conference IEWT 2019 in Vienna

In a variety of German energy system studies, the substitution of fossil fuels through electricity on the energy demand-side (electrification) has been displayed as a key deep decarbonization measure (cf. /RUH‑01 18/). Also possible system interdependencies have been analyzed on a national level /GUM‑01 18/. Such national analyses however do not consider possible changes in the energy system composition that could occur due to decarbonization through electrification in neighbouring countries. Neglecting these developments could lead to false conclusions about the resulting system effects in a European context, especially if extreme electrification rates are assumed. In order to assess the effects of a simultaneous increase in electricity demand in several European countries, an overview of the costs and potentials of electrification in these countries is required. Another key factor is the position of possible additional electrical loads in relation to the renewable energy sources wind and solar power as well as the grid. In this context especially large industrial loads are relevant. It is the aim of this paper to provide an overview of the electrification costs and potentials for Germany and its neighbouring countries. Furthermore, a consistent and regionalized European electrification scenario is determined for the industry sector in NUTS‑3 resoution.