District Heating Competence Network
In order to reach climate targets, network-based heat supply is considered to play an essential role, as it can potentially provide heat from renewable energy in a highly cost-effective way. However, to exploit this potential, far-reaching and partly innovative adaptations of the existing infrastructure are necessary. To support the implementation of these mostly cost-intensive projects, an exchange with competent contacts with experience in these measures is essential.
Experience with Energy Efficiency Networks, which have been very successful since 1987, shows that the framework of these networks strengthens the exchange, competence building, and implementation of energy efficiency measures. Based on this structure, the District Heating Competence Network will strengthen the exchange on relevant challenges for district heating network operators and thus promote the implementation of innovative projects.
Procedure and Contents
Figure 1 shows the structure of the District Heating Competence Network. In addition to an initiation and conclusion phase, the main network activity takes place in the implementation phase. This three-year phase is subdivided into the following main parts: initial current-state analysis, target agreement, annual monitoring, energy technology hotline, and regular workshops.

Weitere Informationen:
- FfE unterstützt süddeutsche Fernwärmeversorger auf dem Weg zur zukunftsfähigen Wärmeversorgung – Start des ersten deutschen WärmeNetzWerkes
- Impulsvortrag im Beteiligungsprozess Tiefstack – Vorgehen zur Erreichung der Fernwärme Transformation (Studie „Grüne Fernwärme“)
- Veröffentlichung der Kurzstudie “Grüne Fernwärme – Potenziale, Kosten und Umsetzung”
- Wämewende erfolgreich gestalten – Impulsvortrag für den Strategieworkshop des Verwaltungsrates der Stadtwerke Landsberg
- Klimaneutrale Wärmeversorgung in München 2035
- Lernende Energieeffizienz-Netzwerke (LEEN)
- Wärmenetze 4.0 – Machbarkeitsstudie für ein innovatives Wärmenetz der vierten Generation in Rosenheim
- Wärmewende in München 2040: Erreichung der Klimaziele ist eine große Herausforderung